Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Foodie's New Year Resolutions

Well, here we are at the start of another new year. Happy 2008 to you all - I hope it is a great year for all of you!

As I sit and review the things which have happened in 2007 - moving (twice!), getting married, starting a new job, pursuing new life avenues - I can't help but wonder if 2008 could possibly top the great year that was 2007. But it can. You know why? Because I will make it so. :)

In that vein, here are my (food and blog related) New Year Resolutions:
I will make at least seven blog-updates per week. I can't guarantee they'll be one per day, but I will make the effort.
Every time I go grocery shopping, I'll buy one new food item. Foods like exotic cheeses, ethnic foods, etc. I'll report back to you on each new thing.
On the same line, I'll try at least 3 totally new recipes per month. At least.
Finally, I'll make the effort to improve and update the blog to meet and exceed your expectations!

Cat wishes you all a very Happy New Year, too!!

1 comment:

CB said...

Here's to foodie NY resolutions! My GR will make sure you stick with them. teehee! ;)