Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Budget Gourmet

So, we're trying to cut back on our grocery costs to save up for our big move to Alaska. This means that I'm going to be baking and cooking more, and we're headed for the "rice & beans" diet. So ... in an effort to be cost-conscious, I'm going to be listing approximate manufacturing costs on each dish that I serve.

You'll also be finding more bread, main dishes, and "food crafts" - like jams & jellies - on the menu. I want to make our grocery budget (for 2 people) less than $100 per month. I can do this. Once I get to under $100, I want to make it $75 per month and see if I can do that. :)

Wish me luck, and if you have any suggestions for "cheap" meals, let me know!!


CB said...

Very cool L! I look forward to your other budget dinners...

April said...

Holy cow. I look forward to seeing this! I shamefully spend about 120 every week. Eating healthy is expensive!